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U15s Play Charity Match

U15s Play Charity Match

Peter Fisher15 May 2022 - 12:19
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Harriers U15 Fire and Ice Raise Funds for Daisy's Dream

On 7th May Thatcham Town Harriers U15 Fire and Ice teams came together in support of coach, Jason Cleary who's wife, Jane, was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia) in 2018.

Following intense chemotherapy Jane initially was put into remission and in the Summer of 2019 everything seemed normal, but later that year the leukaemia had returned and by Christmas Jane was having further intense chemotherapy and on the waiting list for a bone marrow transplant.

In June 2020, as COVID lockdown was in full swing, Jane went through the transplant procedure successfully and then it was a waiting game to see if her donor cells would win the fight against her aggressive leukaemia carrying cells. Unfortunately by Christmas 2020 the leukaemia was proving too strong and returned once again giving Jane only 10-20% chance of recovery and she gave a strong fight to try and overcome the illness, but sadly lost her fight in August 2021.

Daisy's Dream offered tremendous support to Jason and his Children, Georgia and Max during her illness and continue to support the family today. The event to raise awareness and funds for the charity was covered by the Newbury Weekly News and attended by the local mayor, who kicked off proceedings. The match was played in the good spirit it deserved with both teams tied at the end of the game and finally decided on penalties. Various fundraising activities were held on the day, including tombola, speed shot and BBQ, raising £789. Following offline donations, including Thatcham Town Harriers, the event became Daisy's Dreams highest fundraising group, generating £2,300.

Further reading