Harriers U15 - Summer Sessions
Thu 06, Aug 2019:45 - 20:45


Kennet School Playing Fields


A few points to notice and to pass onto the boys: - Please do not arrive early, the U13's finish at 7:30pm and we need to make sure there is a gap between the two. - On arrival they will be placed into groups of no more than 6 and will be given an area to stay within - please make sure they understand this. - Training will only go ahead if we deem it safe to do so, if dropping off please do not leave until we have determined we can start. - There will be hand sanitiser available that the boys should use at the beginning and end of the session. - There will be no games or contact. We will obviously be doing our best to make the practices fun, physical and as game-like as possible. - Please make sure the boys understand the importance of maintaining the 2m distance and to follow coach instructions. The sessions will only run if they listen! Training is not mandatory, this is an opportunity for the boys to get out and start taking part in a team sport again.

Teams attending

  • U15 (OYFL)
  • U15 (PHYL)


Karl Woodrow
Karl Woodrow