Thatcham Town Harriers FC

Club AGM 2022

Thursday 14 July 2022
19:30 - 20:30
Peter Fisher
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The Annual General Meeting of Thatcham Town Harriers Football Club will take place on Thursday 14th July 2022 at Thatcham Town Football Club to start at 19:30.

There will be one vote per club member. All Officers and Committee Members are also entitled to attend and vote at this Meeting.

Club members wishing to attend will need to notify the Club Secretary at

If you have any other business to be discussed at the AGM please raise this prior to the meeting to


  • Apologies
  • To receive and confirm the minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting
  • To consider any business arising there from
  • Chairman’ report including league/team updates
  • Club Secretary - team registrations for season 2022/2023
  • To receive and adopt the annual report, balance sheet and statement of accounts
  • Election of Officers and Management Committee
  • Any other business of which due notice shall have been given and accepted as being relevant to an Annual General Meeting:
  • Player Registration – updates for new season
  • Review of outstanding coach qualifications/renewals for the new season
  • Thatcham Town pathway / links
  • AOB
  • Close

Further reading
This is a past event
3 members attending
Lisa Ford
Lisa Ford
Peter Fisher
Peter Fisher
Hayleigh Thomas
Hayleigh Thomas